Even if We We Say Goodbye and Our Paths Never Cross Again

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In France, greeting your French friends can exist a complicated matter for foreigners. Rather than shaking hands, waving how-do-you-do or hugging, you lot lean forward, impact cheeks and kiss the air while making a light kissing sound with your lips. It's chosen "La Bise." Hither is a detailed expect at cheek kissing all-time practices in French republic- "The fine art of greeting a French person with a kiss": WHO, WHEN, WHERE, and HOW.

How To Faire La Bise And Greet Someone With A Cheek Kiss Like A French Person:

Kissing a person's cheek equally a way of greeting someone might sound cliché, but this French custom is no joking affair.

Kids faire la bise with each other with a little parental encouragement

 Throughout this article, I refer to "cheek kiss," "la bise," and "Faire la bise" interchangeably to refer to this traditional French greeting.

The Fine art of La Bise ( 50'fine art de la bise)

Cheek kissing, as a way of greeting other people in France, is a French tradition ingrained in the French culture which is practically institutionalized from Babyhood In France.

It's the real French kiss, but non the kind of French kissing which involves tongues.

Only equally y'all would encourage your child to say hi or good day or shake hands, parents throughout France encourage their children to "cheek kiss" (non to be dislocated with an "air kiss").

Faire La Bise Meaning

=To do the kiss

This act of greeting someone with a cheek kiss is chosen "Faire la bise" (pronounced Off-white-lah-Bees). "Fifty a bise"  means kiss is chosen un bisou, or un baiser. There are many more ways to say kiss in French.

There'south nothing romantic almost la bise. It's a common greeting particularly with family, friends and loved ones. Merely it'due south likewise how you say goodbye in certain situations.

There are situations where you tin can greet friends of friends, acquaintances and even co-workers with a la bise, in other words, a cheek kiss; but watch out! There are certain unsaid rules and nuances that can vary past region, person or by the state of affairs.

What'southward my feel with la bise?


My first bise ( French Kiss Greeting) was terrifying.

When our family moved to France back in 2011, we didn't know anyone allow alone whatsoever French people so greeting someone new was easy with a simple "bonjour", a wave from afar or a firm handshake. That'southward the way yous greet acquaintances or strangers you lot come beyond.

For 10 months, we lived our lives, never having to "Faire la bise."

Photo of La Garde France in the Var
photo courtesy of lagarde83130 on Instagram

Making Friends And Transitioning To La Bise (cheek kissing)

Ten months after moving to Marseille, France, we decided this beautiful city just wasn't for us, so we moved to La Garde.

La Garde is a charmingly picturesque boondocks in Provence (pictured above). It's the kind of town yous imagine when you think of France. Old ladies conveying baguettes, a medieval church, a decaying castle at the acme of a hill, and where anybody seems to know everyone else.

photo of our family in La Garde France
Family photograph was taken in La Garde France (c) Annie Andre

And and so at that place was us!

At that place aren't a lot of foreigners in small towns like La Garde. Not like bigger cities that concenter large amounts of people from all over the world, which suited us just fine.

We had a overnice routine, and so did our 3 children who attended three different schools; Kieran was in secondary school, André attended heart school, and Catherine, our youngest, was in preschool.

Every morning, my husband I got dressed and eagerly walked our daughter to school. Information technology was less than a 5-infinitesimal walk, but we lived in the medieval part of the boondocks, where people always seemed to be shuffling around trying to get someplace.

To get to our girl'southward main school, we had to walk through Identify de la république, a big square that had an outdoor market twice a week. On the market days, we would double back to the market afterward we dropped off our girl at schoolhouse and buy produce, meat, cheese or whatever we needed. It was super user-friendly, and shortly people started recognizing us.

At the market in La Garde France with Ferry and Blake and Alex

Nosotros were condign part of the community and made friends…

Nosotros became good friends with 1 of the vendors who sold plants and flowers. He sells shiitake mushrooms and strawberries at present at La Serre du Plan. Pictured to a higher place is my hubby Blake visiting our friend Ferry'due south market stall. Blake has his arm on Ferry'south shoulder. To his right is Ferry's wife, Alex.

Sometimes we would cross paths with our neighbours or other parents at that market and stop to chat a while before continuing on our merry manner.

Ane morning, nosotros saw someone we knew, but this time; instead of a nod and a howdy, followed by some calorie-free chit chat, she said, "Allez, on se fait la bise!" I smiled to confirm, and she leaned in to give me a cheek kiss.

That first cheek kiss was nerve-wracking. I felt similar a ridiculous imposter.

I had seen hundreds of people greet each other with a cheek buss, so theoretically, I understood how it was done. In exercise, information technology was some other story.

I leaned in a lilliputian too speedily, with more force than I intended, and my cheek crashed into hers. OOOPS, désolé.

After that first French cheek kiss greeting, I had so many questions.

  • How do you know how many cheek kisses to give? Is it by age?
  • Which cheek do you get-go with, the left or the right?
  • Practice yous have to make that light kissing audio when you cheek kiss?
  • Who initiates the first cheek kiss?
  • And so many more questions.

Adults bend over and give air kisses to kids in France too.

**NOTE: All of what I explain below is either from personal experience, enquiry or advice given to me by my French friends here in the S of French republic.

FRENCH ETIQUETTE: Rules and best practices on "How To Faire La Bise."

Luckily I have amazing French friends who gladly answered my burning questions about the "RULES" for cheek kissing and greeting other people in France.

I was surprised to notice that many of my friend's answers regarding la bise varied, and not anybody agreed on la bise rules.

Just that's OK because there was enough overlap to put together some general best practices to faire la bise like a pro.

Here's everything you need to know, the unsaid rules and general best practices for greeting a French person in French republic with La Bise.

You might be interested in reading:

How Not To Exist Miserable When Yous Motion To France! Avoiding Civilisation Shock!

How to faire la bise step by step directions on greeting a French person with a French cheek kiss

ane) Footstep by stride directions for la bise.

  1. Slowly lean forward, turning your cheek as if you're offer it to the other person: The other person will practise the same.
  2. Lightly touch your cheek to the other person's cheek. It's important your cheeks touch on!
  3. Pucker your lips slightly
  4. Make a light kissing sound simply with your lips. (not your voice, see notation below on what not to do)
  5. *Some people also put their correct or left hand on the other person'south shoulder every bit they lean into a cheek kiss .
  6. *Some people remove eyeglasses or hats: Optional just polite and can avoid poking out an middle.

What not to do: NEVER do this:

  • Never affect your lips to their cheek; it'south cheek to cheek.
  • DO NOT brand the MWUAH" sound with your vocalization that and then many anglophone speakers make. The kissing sound is from your lips, non your vox. My husband, to this day, still makes that sound, and people snicker at him.

No, this is NOT how you do "la bise."

No, this is Non how you practise "la bise."

two) Cheek Kissing: Which cheek- left or right?

In that location is debate as to which cheek you offering up first. Is it the right cheek or your left cheek

Don't worry too much about this because French people are receptive to these nuances and movements and adapt quickly.

I did notice that more of my friends turned their heads to the left and so that the commencement bise landed on the right cheek. I said most, not all, so merely go with the flow. In Montpellier, where we now live, people seem to offering the left cheek outset.

three) How many cheek kisses: 1, 2, 3, four or more than?


  • When we lived in Provence, my friends gave me ii cheek kisses, ane on each side.
  • In Paris, nearly people as well give 2 kisses, merely I've heard some older people still give as many 5 cheek kisses.
  • In Montpellier, 63 km (39 mi) south of our former home in Provence, my friends and I commutation 3 cheek kisses.
  • It tin can be confusing when someone from one region where ii cheek kisses are the norm travels to another region where iii kisses are the norm. This happens to usa a lot since we've lived in several different regions. Sometimes, you lot lean in for the third, and that person has already pulled abroad because they are used to only 2 kisses, but I digress.

Why the discrepancy in the number of cheek kisses?

The number of cheek kisses you exchange with someone depends on the region you lot notice yourself in. To brand matters even more disruptive, there are discrepancies fifty-fifty by region.

Don't worry if this sounds confusing because fifty-fifty the French get confused. There's a website devoted to gathering user feedback about whether they requite 1, 2, 3, iv or five kisses –world wide web.combiendebises.free.fr/. The website's proper noun translates to "How many kisses."

Some speculate that younger lean more towards 2 kisses while older generations are hanging on to giving four fifty-fifty 5 kisses.

I have nonetheless to meet someone who gives 4 or five kisses, merely then again, I alive in the south where two and 3 kisses prevail.

4) When and with whom should you faire la bise?

The social situation, level of friendship and type of relationship you have with someone volition usually determine whether yous should faire la bise.

For case:

You lot would non cheek-osculation your bank rep or the headmistress at your child's schoolhouse. Instead, you volition politely say "bonjour," mayhap followed past a handshake depending on who yous are saying hello to. No handshake to double-decker drivers or store clerks is necessary.

Between friends and acquaintances:

As your human relationship grows into a friendship, at some point, you will shift from maxim hello or a handshake and get-go giving your friends la bise. One day you can exist maxim hi or shaking hands, and the next twenty-four hour period, that same person could be leaning in to kiss you. From then on out, yous volition always faire la bise with that person out of politeness. There is no written rule for when you brand the transition; it just happens. In the kickoff, my friends were the ones to initiate the offset bise, but now that I understand the nuances, I sometimes initiate the first bise with new friends.

Between family members:

Families most e'er greet one another with la bise, merely the bise you lot give to a family fellow member might exist a little more intense or more familiar. Information technology'southward similar to how yous might hug your child, mom or best friend a trivial tighter. Many families too give cheek kisses start matter in the morn and and then once again at night before bed.

Between co-workers and colleagues:

If yous have a job in France, you may eventually finish up cheek kissing your co-workers.  This isn't always the case. Information technology depends on the working human relationship yous have with that person. For instance, y'all won't requite everyone at the part la bise—just those you regularly run across that you might even consider friends.

However, you shouldn't give your dominate la bise, even if yous regularly see that person, unless they lean in outset to requite you la bise. And then there is the issue of gender. It's customary for women to greet men and women with a buss on each cheek. While male co-workers may kiss close male friends, they generally milk shake hands with male person colleagues. It just depends.

The social status of the other person:

If the other person has a higher social condition than you, wait for that person to initiate. I was introduced to the mayor of La Garde by a friend, and If he had leaned in to kiss my cheek, I would have leaned in also, but I would never initiate in that case.

By Age:

Young people in primary school generally don't greet i another with a kiss; however, in my experience, parents encourage or push their kids to faire la bise with other kids when invited to their firm. Teenagers are a different story. My son's friends all greet one another with la bise just as adults practice.

What almost Men?:

Aye, even men greet one another with la bise only not nearly as often as it happens betwixt two women or a adult female and a human being.  Usually, men reserve la bise for very close friends and family unit.

It also depends on the region. Where we live, in the south, it's far more common for men to cheek buss than it is in the north. There are merely two men my husband does la bise with. With every other male, he shakes hands, and this is perfectly acceptable.

The only 2 men my husband does "la bise with"
These are the only ii men my husband does "la bise with"

five) Special circumstances where you may kiss a stranger.

Equally I mentioned before, you only faire la bise with friends or people you know well; nonetheless, in that location are exceptions where information technology's considered "la politesse" to faire la bise even when you don't know the other person.

Friends of friends:

If two strangers are introduced to 1 some other past a common friend, those two strangers tin can choose to greet that other person with la bise. Information technology'south not obligatory. You can choose to milk shake hands, but don't be surprised if the other person leans in for a cheek osculation, which brings me to social state of affairs.

When Invited To A Friends House:

If a friend invites y'all to their house, yous usually faire la bise on entry. If there are other people in the business firm, y'all typically faire la bise with anybody at the political party, even if you lot're meeting them for the showtime fourth dimension. It's also acceptable to shake hands, but usually, if someone invites you to their house, it's acceptable to transition to La bise.

When invited to a small social gathering or social setting:

If someone invites you lot to a small house party with a dozen or then people, the group is small-scale enough where you lot can get around giving La bise while introducing yourself past name. We do this regularly, even if people are seated around a diner table. You lot brand your way around the table past saying "bonjour" and saying your name if y'all don't know that person. They will do the aforementioned.

At larger social settings:

Suppose you're invited to a larger gathering, say 25 or more people, or where it's impossible to greet everyone at once because they're spread out throughout the house. In that case, it's adequate to faire la bise as y'all come in contact with each person at the gathering, but not necessary.

6) Other situations and nuances about la bise

Nosotros talked about greeting someone with a cheek kiss, but I failed to mention that you besides faire la bise when leaving if you are on kissing terms with someone.

For example:

If you are at a person's house, you faire la bise upon entering and to everyone in the house and then once more when you lot leave to say goodbye.

If you run into a friend on the street, y'all would typically end and faire la bise and go along on your merry way. If you run into them again later in the day, you lot practice not requite them another cheek kiss because you lot already gave them 1 the first time you ran into them.

At a birthday political party:

I've been to a lot of children'south birthday parties in French republic. Afterward opening the Gifts, the birthday male child or girl usually gives "la bise" to the other children. It's a way of maxim thanks for coming and bringing me a souvenir.

To congratulate someone:

You tin also faire la bise to congratulate someone for anything that seems "bise" worthy: a task promotion, for a milestone, birthday, etc.

On New year's eve, at the stroke of midnight.

At the stroke of midnight, anybody goes around wishing ane some other "Bonne Année" (happy new year) followed by la bise.

You should read:

fifteen Fabulous French New Years' Eve Traditions In France.

seven) How to avoid la bise:

The fine art of la bise may sound confusing, only it gets easier and will feel similar second nature to yous with a bit of exercise. When I return dwelling house to run into my family unit in Montreal, where la bise is not regularly adept, it feels strange not to faire la bise.

If you lot actually don't want to "faire la bise" with someone, information technology's simple. Offering your hand for a handshake earlier the other person has a gamble to lean in for la bise. It sets a precedence and a indicate to the other person. And it's perfectly fine to do that.

If you're interested in fun fact about French culture, y'all should read:

l Crazy Interesting Facts About France That'll Blow Your Mind

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Source: https://www.annieandre.com/how-to-faire-la-bise-the-french-kiss/

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